Fundamentals of AC Drives (ST-DRVFUN)

Service and Commissioning the G120 drive

Duration: 5 Days

Pre-Requisites: Electrical Engineering background

Aims and Objectives: To prepare the electrician / technician / engineer for a sound understanding of drive technology.  This course provides extensive information for activities in the field of electrical drive technology. The topics are addressed in a general manner, independent of specific products. Practical exercises using a G120 training unit are an important component. On completion of the course, you will have mastered safe handling of the STARTER commissioning tool as well as basic commissioning in TIA portal.

Course Content:

  • Motor theory
  • Inverter theory
  • Programming of the unit
  • Basic installation / configuring steps
  • Course exercises
  • Control and set up points from various sources
  • Communication with PROFINET
  • Basic commissioning of G120 using operator panel, Starter and TIA portal


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